Introduction and Purpose

Through my blog I hope to communicate with other educators and stakeholders in the education system.

The content of the blog will be education specific, it will draw from the 2014 Secondary Education Curriculum, years 7-10, the Professional Teaching Standards NSW, BOSTES (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards) and also include lecture and tutorial content related to unit EDFD 589(Introduction to ICT).

Other sources will include:


Australian Curriculum

NSW Institute of Teachers

National Professional Standards of Teachers/ICT proficiencies

National Professional Standards for Teachers

The content housed within this blog will enable me to demonstrate and expand my knowledge of ICT using a wide range of resources through practice of ICT and regular use of this site. There will be links to educational material, sharing and communication between myself and others who access my blog.
This is invaluable as it will enable all stakeholders involved to exchange great ideas, strategies that relate to teaching experiences and enable us to reflect on practices that were or were not effective. This is essential as we grow and develop our teaching practices,I look forward to sharing our successes (and failures)

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Introduction and Purpose

Through my blog I hope to communicate with other educators and stakeholders in the education system.

The content of the blog will be education specific, it will draw from the 2014 Secondary Education Curriculum, years 7-10, the Professional Teaching Standards NSW, BOSTES (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards) and also include lecture and tutorial content related to unit EDFD 589(Introduction to ICT).

Other sources will include:


Australian Curriculum

NSW Institute of Teachers

National Professional Standards of Teachers/ICT proficiencies

National Professional Standards for Teachers

The content housed within this blog will enable me to demonstrate and expand my knowledge of ICT using a wide range of resources through practice of ICT and regular use of this site. There will be links to educational material, sharing and communication between myself and others who access my blog.
This is invaluable as it will enable all stakeholders involved to exchange great ideas, strategies that relate to teaching experiences and enable us to reflect on practices that were or were not effective. This is essential as we grow and develop our teaching practices,I look forward to sharing our successes (and failures)

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