Tuesday 4 March 2014

This interesting conversation caught my eye today on twitter, it is relevant at a time when we, as future graduate students are preparing and implementing knowledge and strategies to fulfil our responsibilities and requirements as teachers. The National Professional Teaching Standards ( particularly standard 6) stands out as a solution to the UK problem, though the implementation of all 7 Standards across the curriculum is essential. I feel this demonstrates exactly why the implementation of Professional Teaching Standards is such a useful tool, it guides teacher training, learning, future goals and essential skills, and links into curriculum aims and outcomes by providing the attributes a teacher needs to meet successful student outcomes.

Is Teaching Still a Profession?

Twining,T. Professor of Education (Futures). The Open University. March 4th, 2014.


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Tuesday 4 March 2014

This interesting conversation caught my eye today on twitter, it is relevant at a time when we, as future graduate students are preparing and implementing knowledge and strategies to fulfil our responsibilities and requirements as teachers. The National Professional Teaching Standards ( particularly standard 6) stands out as a solution to the UK problem, though the implementation of all 7 Standards across the curriculum is essential. I feel this demonstrates exactly why the implementation of Professional Teaching Standards is such a useful tool, it guides teacher training, learning, future goals and essential skills, and links into curriculum aims and outcomes by providing the attributes a teacher needs to meet successful student outcomes.

Is Teaching Still a Profession?

Twining,T. Professor of Education (Futures). The Open University. March 4th, 2014.


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